Contact Us
Pacific Business Ventures
Main office
PO Box 1605
Gig Harbor, WA USA 98335
Company Principal
James Coke, CPIM
Pacific Business Ventures is a USA-based, Washington State company. We welcome talking
with you about our mission, and are open to a variety of collaboration scenarios.
Ours is a boutique company with a wide range of collaborative relationships, staffed with a
team of seasoned entrepreneurs and consulting professionals who have done it before. We
subscribe to the principles of the Agenda 21 movement, which requires every one of our
projects to meet standards of economic, social, and environmental sustainability. Every
new business is expected to be profitable. And every one is designed to better the local
community and enhance environmental stewardship.
We seek out, and cooperate with, organizations based in each target country to ensure
there is local investment in what is created, and to ensure long-term support is in place as
our companies grow. When technology localization and transfer is required, we are backed
by a network of university and government agricultural laboratories in the USA, Northern
Ireland, China, Korea, and Vietnam.
PBV is an experienced manager of projects and aid funding targeting the developing world.
In the past five years we have directed aid initiatives on behalf of both the Danish and
Netherlands governments, with no corruption, accurate documentation, and successful
quantified outcomes.
Ours is a virtual company. Our team believes in working where the work is being done. At
any given time, you may find us in Ethiopia, Peru, Vietnam, Nigeria, or a host of other
places. Traditional venture capital waits for opportunities to come to it. We create the
opportunities ourselves by developing a deep understanding of local culture and assets.
About Us
Copyright 2015 Pacific Business Ventures
Website by PBV Technologies